Tonight is a friend's birthday so we are using it as an excuse to go out on the "town", which so far has been an interesting experience. Arab business men who are very, very wealthy like my friends and like to buy us drinks, but we are being careful. They are so wealthy that it's creepy. Most of them studied abroad. Mom, I will not marry one of them. One of them we call the pock-marked Arab. Also, there are very few women "out" late at night at bars/resturaunts because they are at home dong whatever women do with their time here, so when we walk down the street it is literally piles of Arab men staring. It isn't actually a problem, because the street that we like to go to actually has a guard/army man with a large gun and camo at the entrance so I'm pretty sure I'm safe. Relatively speaking.
Arabs also eat DISGUSTINGLY. Example:
Someone told them that the way to be Western is to eat "American", and to do so you need everything to be deep fried/breaded/greasy. It's kind of true, but I feel like I'm at the OC fair every time I try to find something quick to eat. The place where I get coffee on campus (for 15 cents) also sells only one type of sandwich-- the french fry wrap, which involves literally french fries wrapped in bread.

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