This is the last blog post I'll write, probably ever, because I may not ever have anything interesting to say. Not that I currently do, but you know.
I had an amazing semester. It wasn't always easy, and at times I wanted to scream and probably (definitely) burst into tears out of frustration and anger. Other times, I didn't want to leave. I'd plan how I was going to move here, and I even asked my study abroad adviser if I could extend my stay for another semester. My time here was so successful because of this-- it wasn't always good, and it wasn't always bad. I had extreme ups and extreme downs, which made me appreciate every minute even more. The cultural differences were extraordinary, and the things that were no different from home were refreshing. I learned a lot more than I think I would have if I had spent my semester in France, and I definitely did not have as much fun, but I'm very grateful that I decided to spend 4 months in the Middle East.. because it was weird, and I'm better off becuase of it.
The annoying part is that now I know what I want to do (sort of), and it absolutely involves coming back here for some of my life, most likely to Lebanon. I only want to be here for a few years after college, but still. Now I have to figure out how I'm going to learn Arabic, find a program/scholarship that lets me live in a country that's on the State Department travel advisory list, and convince everyone who knows me that it is a good idea, because I really won't find myself caught in Hezbollah-IDF crossfire (probably). It would be a bit easier if I was passionate about going into dentistry school.
Here's a pile of photos of the city I lived in for the past 4 months, because I never really showed you (mom and dad) Amman.
Downtown Amman, Jordan |
Downtown again |
My gym's building.. fascinating |
Entrance gate to the University of Jordan |
University of Jordan |
Educational Sciences, where all my classes were. Grossest building ever. |
Decrepit interior of my class building |
University of Jordan |
Student government campaign poster- NOT A JOKE. |
Jordanian Foyer had a surprise Christmas tree in it. |
My apartment building- mine is the one on the right, with the tree in front of it. |
My street. Dumpster cat. Trash truck. |
My own version of Thanksgiving spirit, taped to the outside of my apartment door. |
The end. I completed all my finals- 2 Arabic final exams, a 35-page research paper on Syria, a 20-page paper about my internship organization, and 2 econ essays.
I am leaving Jordan on Thursday and counting down the minutes, because I really need some Christmas cheer. (and some corn soup)
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